Final Results | Super Trifecta Bowl IV

The Bowl Which Shall Not Be Named Game Scores and Results

In the final leg, the World Football Analysts Championship came down to first-year winner, Little Tuna, and last year’s runner-up, Atwork, coming off a crushing collapse in the final quarter of The Game Which Shall Not Be Named.

Was Atwork headed to another improbable defeat or would he dig deep to take the most illustrious trophy in sports analysis?

And the winner of Super Trifecta Bowl IV is…

Pick Results | Super Trifecta Bowl IV | Championship Round
Pick Results in the Championship Round of Super Trifecta Bowl IV


Super Trifecta Bowl II

Atwork! Atwork ices his victory with a clutch Trifecta in the Championship Round. His dark horse Eagles also clinched all three Reverse PC-Fectas in the Championship Round, pushing Atwork to 14 points and a three-point victory over Little Tuna.

Unfortunately for Little Tuna, the surefire wins with the Patriots were not enough.  She finishes in second with 11 points.

In third, Wise Orangutan flagged after his Falcons were put down by Atwork’s Eagles.

In  a three-way tie with 5 points, fourth place goes to B-Reezy who earned the most Base Trifecta Points (2) in the Super Trifecta Bowl. Kal Krome edges Big Tuna for fifth place with 2 Playoff Victory Points from his Vikings.

The rest of the field tied for last with 0 points.

A round of applause to all the players for another fine year of competition to prove which Analyst has the best horse sense in World Professional Football Analysis!

Final Standings

Standings | Super Trifecta Bowl IV | Final Results
Final Standings of Super Trifecta Bowl IV

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